• 2022-10-31
    500 TV sets under Contract No. 2390 have been ready for____ _.
    A: ship
    B: shipper
    C: shipment
    D: Shipped
  • C


    • 0

      After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S.“Red Star”under Contract No. CT7543 was found not in compliance with the contract stipulations.

    • 1

      Under FOB terms , the seller pay all freight fee and insurance from the time the goods have been delivered on board the ship at the named port of shipment .

    • 2

      when the traders discuss the time of shipment in the contract,the exporter should consider whether he can get the goods ready before the shipment date and whether the ship is available if the goods are ready.

    • 3

      The shipment Contract No. 333 has arrived here duly.

    • 4

      With the development of science and technology, the prices of TV sets have ___. A: gone down B: been gone down C: brought down D: been gone up