Besides implicit user input, there’s another type of user input which is called explicit user input.
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- What's the correct sequence of data flow in the diagram in 5.1.2? A: User→Input Controller→Game Core→Graphics Engine B: User→Sound Engine→Graphics Engine→Game Core C: User→Input Controller→Physics Engine→Graphics Engine D: User→Sound Engine→Network Controller→Sound Engine
- [label for=”()”]会员账号:[/][input type=”text” name=”username” id=”user”]上面代码中,会员账号是文本框的标签。 A: input B: text C: username D: user
- <label for=”()”>会员账号:</label><input type=”text” name=”username” id=”user”>上面代码中,会员账号是文本框的标签。 A: input B: text C: username D: user
- 已知某系统登录的用户名和密码分别为"python"和"123456",则依次执行语句user=input("请输入用户名:")和password=input("请输入密码:")后,可通过以下哪个表达式对用户是否能成功登录进行判断: A: user=="python" && password=="123456" B: user=="python" and password=="123456" C: user=="python" or password=="123456" D: user=="python" || password=="123456"
- 下面用于暂时锁定某用户账号的命令是( ) A: usermod<br/>-L user B: usermod<br/>-U user C: passwd<br/>–l user D: passwd<br/>–u user