• 2022-10-31
    All of the following are simple marks, except:
    A: lines
    B: points
    C: arrows
    D: areas
  • C


    • 0

      All of the following are true EXCEPT that _______.

    • 1

      We can present the main points by employing the following orders except _______.

    • 2

      We have many ________ in the following picture.[img=991x733]18035d44eb1382d.png[/img] A: points B: lines C: triangles D: hearts

    • 3

      We have many ________ in the following picture.[img=650x488]1802e30c9f275bc.jpg[/img] A: points B: lines C: triangles D: hearts

    • 4

      All of the following are paradoxical expressions EXCEPT that _____.