• 2022-10-28
    I had to get a grip on myself and put this whole ______ business behind me.
  • wretched


    • 0

      The fatter I get, the unhappier I am, so I eat to cheer myself up, which makes me fatter yet — it's ______(vicious).

    • 1

      I was really glad I had put my best suit on. I fancied her straight away and I think she liked me.

    • 2

      A: To get an outside line, just dial 0 and the phone number. Or we can place a call for you, if you want.B: No, thanks a lot. A: Just put me through B: I’ll try it myself C: I’d rather not D: I’ll appreciate your help

    • 3

      Excuse me. May I( )your name, sir? A: had B: have C: get D: take

    • 4

      2. I managed to get him to lend me the money, but I had to use all my powers of ______ (persuade).