• 2022-11-01
    A: Aoliver,foxtrot,tango,alfa
    B: Boscar,francis,tommy,alfa
    C: Coscar,francis,tommy,anna
    D: Doscar,foxtrot,tango,alfa
  • D


    • 0

      在糖类的结构表示中,下列哪种方式用于表达相对构型? A: alfa和beta B: R和S C: D和L D: Z和E

    • 1

      Mom:Comeon,Tommy.It’stimetogetup.Youdon’twanttobelateforschool,(1)______________? Tommy:OK,Mom.Justcoming. Mom:You’reasleepyboytoday,(2)______________? Tommy:Isuream. Mom:Comeon,getdressedifyoucanfindanyclothes.Thisbedroom’sabitmessy, (3)______________? Tommy:Well,Iknowwhereeverythingis. Mom:Comeon,Tommy!I’llmakeyoubreakfast.Youstilllikechocolatemilk,(4)______________? Tommy:Chocolatemilk?Isn’tthereanythingelse? Mom:Justhurryup,Tommy!Oh,thereyouare.Goodboy. Tommy:Mom? Mom:Yes? Tommy:Isn’titSaturdaytoday?So,Idon’tneedtogotoschool,(5)______________? Mom:Ohno!Yes,you’reright.Oh,I’masillywoman,(6)______________?Justgobacktobed,Tommy.

    • 2

      Tommy was one _____.

    • 3

      Which of the following statements about Francis Bacon is NOT true? A: Francis Bacon gave to his first volume of English papers the title Essays B: Francis Bacon’s essays are formal and pithy. C: Francis Bacon wrote in the same style as Montaigne D: Francis Bacon was noted for an aphoristic mode of writing

    • 4

      Why does the professor mention the tango of Argentina A: To emphasize the importance of the tango in Argentina. B: To explain the music of different countries, C: To provide background information for jazz. D: To illustrate that every country has its original music.