• 2022-11-01
    A: three
    B: three
    C: three
    D: thirty
  • C


    • 0

      Dody has worked at Yellowstone National Park for ________. A: three years B: three summers C: three months D: three weeks

    • 1

      March is____month of a year. A: a<br/>three B: the<br/>third C: a<br/>third D: the<br/>three

    • 2

      He<br/>says the death of his father three years ago has given him a new<br/>perspective ____ life. A: in B: on C: to D: at

    • 3

      ()<br/>meridians ascend from the toes to the abdomen and chest? A: The three yang meridians<br/>of the foot B: The three yin meridians<br/>of the hand C: The three yang meridians<br/>of the hand D: The three yin meridians<br/>of the foot

    • 4

      The appropriate age for unilateral cleft lip repair is ( ) A: one to two months old B: three to six months old C: one to two years old D: three to six years old