• 2021-04-14
    In his works, Theodore Dreiser‘s tone is always ___.
  • serious


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      Which of the following belong to American naturalistic writers? A: Stephen Crane B: Jack London C: Theodore Dreiser D: Frank Norris

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      Which of the following NOT the most important modern novelists? A: Henry James B: Theodore Dreiser C: Earst Hemingway (海明威) D: William Faulkner (福克纳)

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      Which of the following writers does NOT belong to the Lost Generation? A: Theodore Dreiser B: Ernest Hemingway C: Gertrude Stein D: F. S. Fitzgerald

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      The republication of the poet’s most recent works will certainly ____ his national reputation.

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      Tim is a student. Tim's father is a policeman. His mother is a teacher. His uncle works in a hospital. He is a doctor. His aunt also works in a hospital. She is a nurse.Where does Tim's mother work? A: at school B: in a hospital C: in a factory D: on a farm