• 2021-04-14
    Add additional lighting beyond overhead lighting to the room to soften the atmosphere and make( ) meetings( )visually straining.
  • longer;less


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      The beauty and health of artificial lighting equipment are more important than its lighting capabilities.

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      illumination lighting design

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      lighting and signal system

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      【单选题】The perception of color is a function of the() A. cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting B. rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting C. cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions

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      The differences between Loop Lighting and Butterfly Lighting are______. A: The position of main light is lower for Loop Lighting B: The position of main light is higher for Loop Lighting C: The position of light source is closer to subject for Loop Lighting. D: The position of light source is farther to subject for Loop Lighting.