• 2021-04-14
    –Hello, my name is Johnson. I believe you have a room ______ for me. --Johnson?Oh, yes, Mr Johnson. It’s Room 1201, on the second floor.
  • booked



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      Who is the visitor A: Mr. Johnson. B: Jane Johnson. C: Jane McDonald. D: McDonald Johnson

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      中国大学MOOC: We can address Tom Johnson, who is a lawyer. as Lawyer Johnson.

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      What will the man most probably do A: Put off his appointment with Mr. Johnson. B: Help move things to Mr. Johnson’s office. C: Help the woman move the items. D: Hurry to Mr. Johnson’s office.

    • 3

      What will the man most probably do A: Put off his appointment with Mr. Johnson. B: Help to move things to Mr. Johnson s office. C: Help the woman move the items. D: Hurry to Mr. Johnson"s office.

    • 4

      - Could you tell me the way to______ Johnson's,please?- Sorry,we don'thave_____ Johnson here in the village. A: the;the B: the;a C: /; the D: the;/