The wrong comment on using the restraints is .
- Which comment on John Donne is wrong?
- Which of the following is WRONG about using Powerpoint to make presentations? </p></p>
- “There are many reasons can support my argument.” What’s wrong with the sentence? A: Using the wrong words or phrases. B: Not following English language habits. C: Not following the right grammatical structure. D: Not following the right word order.
- 下面( )不是Java的有效注释。 A: // this is a comment B: / * * this is a comment * * / C: / * this is a comment * / D: * / this is a comment / *
- 如何在CSS文件中插入注释? ( ) A: // this is a comment B: // this is a comment // C: /* this is a comment */ D: ' this is a comment