• 2021-04-14
    - Must I take a bus?-No, you ___. You can walk from here.
  • don ‘t have to


    • 0

      Here are three __1__ stories you can take heart from if you are wondering which career to ___2___.

    • 1

      Mr. Wang, shall I take a message from you?<br/>— ( ) A: What’s here? B: No trouble. C: Can I help? D: Thank you very much.

    • 2

      —_____ —It's only about ten minutes' walk. A: Hello, can you tell me the way to the station B: Turn left at the traffic lights. C: Shall I take a bus D: Is it far from here

    • 3

      Can you please tell me how I can _____ to the cinema from here?

    • 4

      If you want to take a bus/subway, you can ask like this: