• 2021-04-14
    The society, universities and families all play very important roles in helping the students with mental problems. ( )
  • 内容

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      All students at different grades in universities, we may say______ .

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      我希望我所有的学生都能进入他们想进的大学。 A: I hope all of my students will enter the universities where they wish to study. B: I hope all of my students would enter the universities to study. C: I hope all of my students would enter the universities that they study.

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      They found it was very difficult to ()all these problems. A: add to B: cope with

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      Computers play a very important role in our daily life.

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      What does the author mean by saying “Teenagers at risk of depression, anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon sign” (Lines 1-2, Para.1)? A: Mental problems can now be found in large numbers of teenagers. B: Teenagers’ mental problems are getting more and more attention. C: Teenagers’ mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed. D: Depression and anxiety are the most common symptoms of mental problems.