对于活动应该进行资源平衡(Resource Leveling)
- 对于同一系统,环境效率与资源效率关系是( )Which of the following describes a right relationship between environmental efficiency and resource efficiency for the same system( )? 环境效率与资源效率无关;The environmental efficiency is not related to the resource efficiency|资源效率越高,环境效率也越高;The higher the resource efficiency, the higher will be the environmental efficiency|环境效率恒等于资源效率;The environmental efficiency is always equal to the resource efficiency|资源效率越高,环境效率就越低;The higher the resource efficiency, the lower will be the environmental efficiency
- 一个资源在同一时段内被分配给两个活动,你应该采取什么措施?() A: 资源优化 B: 资源平衡 C: 资源平滑 D: 进度压缩
- 关于资源栅格下列说法错误的是: A: RE(Resource Element),时间上一个时隙,频域上一个子载波 B: RB(Resource Block),在频域连续的12子载波 C: Reference resource blocks,参考资源块,由高层指示 D: Reference resource blocks,参考资源块,由高层指示
- ERP 是企业资源计划((Enterprise Resource Planning)的简称。
- 对于资源的利用,应该把 放在首位