中国大学MOOC: People from tend to feel uncomfortable with silence during a conversation.
low-context cultures
- Who of the following would feel most comfortable with silence during a conversation? Amanager from ______. A: The United States B: Germany C: Great Britain D: Japan
- 中国大学MOOC: Americans are often uncomfortable with silence. Silence is avoided in social or business meetings.
- When people feel uncomfortable, they may __________.
- 中国大学MOOC: Generally speaking, people from Northern Europe tend to use more explicit language as compared with people from Latin America.
- One reason people use small talk is to eliminate an uncomfortable silence
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中国大学MOOC: If you feel uncomfortable when you look into the people’s eyes in your audience, you may look at the bridge of their noses or chins.
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中国大学MOOC: People tend to ________ in individualist cultures.
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What does constant smiling without apparent reason reflect? A: makes people feel warm. B: makes people feel comfortable. C: makes people feel happy D: makes people feel uncomfortable
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中国大学MOOC:"Presentation is _____ than conversation. In a conversation you talk and listen in an easy exchange.";
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People in low-context communication might find silence uncomfortable. They feel a need to speak.