One of the aims of CNC systems is to rep...hardware as possible
- One of the objectives of CNC systems is to replace as much of the conventional NC hardware with software as possible.
- Different CNC machines tools may use different CNC systems, but the CNC machining program commands are the same.
- The aim of the materials should correspond as closely as possible to the aims of other teacher and students.
- The design company aims to make the designs as realistic as possible, and give the clients a real sense of being there.
- One of the importantdifferences between traditional and activity-based costing systems is:
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Ignition system is one of the main systems of a diesel engine.
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What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?
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Cultures have developed systems of unique gestures, and it is possible for us to understand the gestures from any other culture.
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What might be one of the possible translations of “大禹治水”?
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There is only one possible assignment for the first speech.