• 2021-04-14
    She has done her best to keep calm but f...____ and indecision.
  • tension


    • 0

      She has the ability to keep calm in a(n) ________. A: situation B: emergency C: stress D: reaing-room

    • 1

      Look at Lily! She __________ her homework and is arranging her schoolbag. A: is doing B: will do C: has done D: had done

    • 2

      What has Christine done with her earned money A: She has spent it all. B: She has spent the majority of it. C: She has saved it all. D: She has saved the majority of it.

    • 3

      What do you think their mother has just done A: She has gone to the grocer's B: She has just clone her shopping. C: She has bought a few jars. D: She has been in all day.

    • 4

      What has Tom already done A: Because her grandma works there. B: Because she has never been there. C: Because her grandma is in it.