• 2021-04-14
    We can't afford _____ such a price.
  • to pay


    • 0

      I can't afford to buy the cellphone. The ___ of it is too ___. A: cost, expensive B: money, much C: price, high D: price, expensive

    • 1

      We can't afford to lose this c________ because the future of the company depends on it.

    • 2

      K-line reflects the change of stock price in a certain period, mainly reflecting four indicators: opening price, closing price, highest price and lowest price. Usually, we can predict the stock price by judging the shape of the K-line.

    • 3

      We can accept the price.

    • 4

      K-line reflects the change of stock price in a certain period, mainly reflecting four indicators: opening price, closing price, highest price and lowest price. Usually, we can predict the stock price by judging the shape of the K-line. A: 正确 B: 错误