• 2021-04-14
    Write an English schedule for Tom according to the information given below in Chinese. Some parts of it have been done for you. 根据下列汉语填空 汤姆是公司销售部经理,工作繁忙,下面是他某一周的工作安排: 周一:上午写业务报告,下午和总经理讨论业务报告。 周二:上午开销售会议,下午会见销售代表。 周三:上午9:30 会见约翰先生,下午4:40 飞往重庆。 周四:上午10 点出席会议,下午2 点会见供应厂商(supplier)负责人。 周五:上午考察重庆市场,下午2:45 飞往上海。 Tom’s one-week schedule Morning Afternoon Monday ___________1________ Discussing business report with General Manager Tuesday ___________2________ Meeting sales representatives Wednesday__________3_________ Flying to Chongqing at 4:40 pm Thursday__________4_________ Meeting leaders of suppliers at 2:00 pm Friday Surveying the market in Chongqing __________5_________
  • 举一反三