I. Spot dictation Directions: Listen to the news item (VOA news item) and complete the following passage. (8%, 1 point for each)/module/audioplay.html?objectid=f682ec9a36d787bcc724cfe1b7b69e43f682ec9a36d787bcc724cfe1b7b69e43
- News 1 Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item./module/audioplay.html?objectid=e674aefda78629f38a6d14e0f705d6afe674aefda78629f38a6d14e0f705d6af
- 中国大学MOOC:"Part IIDirections: Listen to the news item and complete the following passage. A new report says about ___1__ people ";
- 对序列 {98, 36, -9, 0, 47, 23, 1, 8, 10, 7} 采用希尔排序,下列序列( )是增量为4的一趟排序结果。 A: {-9, 0, 36, 98, 1, 8, 23, 47, 7, 10} B: {36, 98, -9, 0, 23, 47, 1, 8, 7, 10} C: {10, 7, -9, 0, 47, 23, 1, 8, 98, 36}
- Passage 1 Read the choices. Then listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear./module/audioplay.html?objectid=0da4cb3523b32b4e8554a45cd02372580da4cb3523b32b4e8554a45cd0237258
- 17e4399073e567e.jpg几号? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 E: 5 F: 6 G: 7 H: H. 8 I: I. 9