• 2021-04-14
    From the discussion, we can conclude that we should use the same ruler to measure people's success.
  • 内容

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      We can use different tenses in the discussion of the study according to the circumstance.

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      What can we conclude from this conversation?/module/audioplay.html?objectid=88f7e79f4f1501d4a534d04c3924d3df

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      In a team, members come from the same culture, which is more conducive to communication and exchanges. Therefore, we should make a team with people of the same cultural background, and avoid working with people from different cultural backgrounds.

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      we should mention where it come from when we use proverbs and common knowledge.

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      We should develop shorthand skills: Use ( ) of common business word; Use ( ) for people involved in the meeting; Symbols such as a question mark can also be ( ) for question.