It leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars. __________
- Carriage inwards is a selling expense. Carriage outwards is included in the cost of purchases.
- A decrease in income should: A: Shift demand for an inferior product inwards B: Shift demand for an inferior product outwards C: Shift supply for an inferior product outwards D: Shift supply for an inferior product inwards
- While theroad map _____ your journey to your destination, an excellent vehicle helps youto fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds and experiences along the way. A: guides B: takes C: instructs leads D: leads
- scientists identified water shortage and global warming as ______ problems. A: the two most worrying B: the two most worried C: the most two being worried D: the most two being worrying
- Which one of the following departments would NOT be treated as a service centre in a factory producing tables? A: Goods Inwards department B: Maintenance department C: Assembly department D: Goods Outwards department