• 2021-04-14
    The meeting (postpone) ____again yesterday because of an unexpected event.
  • was postponed


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      使用event. stopPropagation()方法阻止事件冒泡,其中event指的是_______。

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      ______ they _______ a meeting at 4 yesterday afternoon?

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      Something unexpected happened, so I have to _________ my departure. A: postpone B: postcard C: propose D: surround

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      17e0b0750ad3edd.jpgWhat is the purpose of the text? A: To describe about an event. B: To explain about an event to someone. C: To invite someone to come to the event. D: To retell about a program.

    • 4

      Negotiation ( ) again with Moscow tomorrow, a great event will be discussed then.