• 2021-04-14
    It’s okay to laugh if someone trips or burps.
  • 内容

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      “To twist somebody's arm" means _________. A: To break someone's arm B: To pinch someone's arm C: To wrest someone's arm D: To talk somebody into doing something

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      1. It is impolite to describe people with excess flesh using ____, but ___________ is okay, for it’s neutral.

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      1. When you meet a friend or someone you know, you should ______ them. A: play with B: laugh at C: greet D: hug

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      What’s Mr. Wang doing A: He’s speaking to someone else on the telephone.B. He’s answering someone’s questions.C. He’s working in his lab.

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      In England, keep your voice ___________. It’s rude to talk or laugh loudly.