• 2021-04-14
    Hyperinflation is a very high, rapid, and continuous ( ), within which the prices of goods and services quickly rise to a level so high.
  • Inflation


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      Which of the following organisations might benefit from a period of high price inflation? A: An organisation which has a large number of long-term payables B: An exporter of goods to a country with relatively high inflation C: A large retailer with a high level of inventory on display and low rate of inventory turnover D: An organisation which has a large number of long-term receivables

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      Extreme sports are those sports which involve a high level of danger.

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      —“Is shopping there expensive?” A: so high to B: as high to C: so high as D: as high as

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      I was surprised at the high speed with which people can control their hands while at the same time keeping such a high level of critical thinking.

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      Because cake and high are the same in Chinese pronunciation, so eating cakes on the Chongyang Festival signifies that all the things will ascended to high level step by step.