When buyers are not so familiar with the new products or not so convinced by the reputation of the seller, they will make an initial attempt by ordering a small quantity of certain products, which is known as _________.
- For some products with limited profit margin, the seller should ________: A: emphasize quality advantage B: emphasize price advantage over similar products C: emphasize good reputation D: guide buyers to increase the order number
- 中国大学MOOC: When two or more products are produced from a common input these products are known as by products
- When two or more products are produced from a common input these products are known as by products A: 正确 B: 错误
- When BreadTalk offers new baked products, what does it do to help promote these new products
- When there is a change in the quantity demanded it means that the: A: hours the customer can buy products each day have increased. B: number of products in inventory have increased. C: quantity a consumer is willing to buy changes when the price changes. D: selling price of the products has not changed.