You can communicate with friends all over the world with this invention.
- The speaker finds that babies all over the world are "citizens of the world", because they can discriminate all the sounds of all languages.
- How can programs be transmitted “live” all over the world?
- 随着因特网的发展,世界各地的人们都可以热热闹闹地同时观赏世界杯了。 A: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watch the World Cup with high spirits. B: With developing of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy to watching the World Cup with highest spirits. C: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watching the World Cup with high spirit. D: With the development of the Internet, people all over the world can enjoy watching the World Cup with high spirits.
- You can find things all over the ___ .
- We<br/>can ____ people in most parts of the world by telephone. A: communicate B: communicate with C: communicate to D: communicate on
- 0
You can communicate with it.
- 1
Bored? This invention can entertain you for hours.
- 2
All examples act as concrete presentations of the abstract idea you are trying to communicate but there are several kinds you can choose from depending on your purpose and audience.
- 3
What are currently increasing all over the world?
- 4
Halloween is a holiday that (). A: is celebrated as a children"s day all over the world B: is for giving strange costumes to friends C: comes from a religious holiday D: is celebrated by UNICEF