• 2021-04-14
    Retailers buy goods directly from the ____________ or from a wholesaler.
  • manufacturer


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      Merchant wholesalers are the ones who buy directly from the manufacturer, store the product and then sell it to the customer.

    • 1

      查询goods中所有记录。 A: select all from goods; B: select distinct from goods; C: select * from goods; D: select from goods;

    • 2

      查询goods表中有几种类型的商品 A: select * from goods; B: select type from goods; C: select type distinct from goods; D: select distinct type from goods;

    • 3

      Which of the following are products consumers buy after comparing quality, price, and style from a variety of sellers? A: shopping goods B: specialty goods C: convenience goods D: unsought goods

    • 4

      According to Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, it makes sense for a county to ___________ in the production of those goods that produces most efficiently and to buy the goods that it produces less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that it could produce ___________ efficiently itself.