• 2021-04-14
    Although you have graduated from the university, a bachelor's degree in English does not q_________ you to teach English in college.
  • qualify


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      He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _______ from the college next year. A: will graduate B: is to graduate C: graduates D: will have graduated

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      Who ______ (teach) you English in your school?

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      智慧职教: It is easy for you to pass the Practical English Test for College ________ you study English hard.

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      _______ you know English is one of the important courses at university, you have to work hard at it.( ) A: Because B: As C: Since D: For

    • 4

      --Dad, could you please teach (___) English? --Sure! But it’s more important to learn it by (_____). A: my; yourself B: me; you C: my; you D: me; yourself