• 2021-04-14
    One very telling study looked at a program in India that gives livestock to the so-called ultra-poor.
  • usually known as


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      9.The community project is to help ____. A: one of the most remote areas in the world B: one of the poorest areas in the world C: a very poor part of the world D: a very remote part of the world

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      America was ______was first called “India” by Columbus.

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      This machine works very well so long as no one ____ with it. ?xml:namespace>

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      If your English is neither very good nor very bad, which of the following word is the best one to describe it? A: excellent B: superb C: fair D: poor

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      根据课文填空。1. When night fell, a big round moon shone brightly in the sky. So the campus looked very __________.