• 2021-04-14
    Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph. Jake: Many Omatacaya will d 1 if you do. Tsu’Tey: You are not my brother! Jake: And I am not your e 2 __! The enemy is out there! And they are very powerful! I can talk to them! Tsu’Tey: No more talk! Jake: I am Omaticaya, I am one of you. And I have the r 3 __ to speak. I have something to say ... to all of you. These words are like s 4 __ in my heart. Norm: Sir, I’m sorry. You can’t interrupt a link in progress. It’s very dangerous! Neytiri: Grace! Norm: Stay down sir! Jake: Look ... I was s 5 __ here to ... Tsu’Tey: Do you see now? He is just another demon inside a fake body ... Jake: Are you out of your goddamned m 6 __?! Colonel: You crossed the line. Wheel this meat out of here. Grace: Jake! What the h 7 __ is going on here? Colonel: You let me down son. So what, you ... you found yourself some local tail and you completely forget what team you’re playing for? Grace: Parker, there is time to salvage this situation ... Colonel: S 8 __ your pie hole! Grace: Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me? Colonel: I could do that. Grace: You need to muzzle your dog. Parker: Can we take this down a c 9 __ of notches please? Jake: You say you want to keep your people a 10 __? Start by listening to her.
  • die  enemy  right  stones  sent  mind  hell  Shut  couple;10.alive



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      If you can't hear the caller very well because of the bad signal or some other reasons, which of the following sentences you can use? A: What's wrong? What are you talking? B: I am sorry. I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please? C: I think my signal is bad. Can I call you back? D: We have a bad connection. Could you repeat that please.

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      Michael: I am looking for a position with a company where I can stay and A: Do you have any questions for us? B: What do you feel are your greatest strengths? C: What are your long range goals? D: Why do you want to work here? E: What do you feel are your weaknesses? F: What kind of training or qualifications do you have?

    • 2

      Clerk: ______________________Guest: Yes, here you are. A: What can I do for you? B: May I have your passport? C: Can I help you? D: Would you please put it on the belt?

    • 3

      If interviewer called you at a once, and you were not ready to interview, you may say: A: I am sorry. I didn’t get your name. Could you repeat it, please? B: I’m glad you called, but I have the class at 2 p.m. Could we arrange another time to speak? C: I am sorry we seem to have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder? D: Could you please slow down just a little bit?

    • 4

      - I’m planning to study abroad, and I want your advice. <br/>- ____________. A: You do not have to. B: You ask me? C: What can I do for you? D: It is unnecessary.