• 2021-04-14
    Which aspect does the “Teach Less, Learn More” policy tend to improve?
  • Innovation.


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      Which of the following statements is true() A: The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are. B: The more we read and learn, the more confused we are. C: The more we read and learn, the more learned we are. D: The more we read and learn, the more snobbish we becom

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: What does “Less pain, more gain” mean?

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      One-Child Policy holds that children learn to play happily and live together better infamilies with more than one child.

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      Powerful people tend to be more __________and more __________and more __________. They tend to be able to think more __________.

    • 4

      When water cools, but does not freeze, the molecules move ______________ and take up ______________ space. A: Faster, less B: Faster, more C: Slower, less D: Up, less