• 2021-04-14
    Charlie Brown has long limbs while San Mao’s arms and legs are rather short. (T/F)
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      中国大学MOOC: Before long, a young woman appeared: short, with short ___________ and pale-blue eyes.(light brown or light yellow)

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      —What's his hair like?—______________ A: He likes brown hair. B: He likes short hair. C: He has black hair.

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      下面程序的输出结果为______ 。long fun( long n ){ long t, s=0;while(n) { t=n%10; s=s*10+t; n=n/10; }return s;}void main( ){ long int a = 2345, b;b = fun( a ) ; printf( "%ld", b );}

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      Don't wear the brown shirt. The bler shirt... A: is uglier. B: is more attractive. C: is smaller. D: is too short.

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      ‎下列属于C语言中类型修饰符的是( )。‎ A: short B: long C: unsigned D: const E: void F: while