• 2021-04-14
    If you see a painting which is filled with soft and distorted watches, then the name of this painting probably is ____?
  • The Persistence of Memory


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      Which are the basic tools of Chinese painting?

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      --- I have sold the painting you saw last week at the price of 1000 Yuan. --- You have sold it? The painting is __________. You should not have sold it at such a low price.

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      —Have you moved into the new house?—Not yet, the rooms _____. A: is painting B: are painting C: are being painted D: is painted

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      Through the contrast between photography and painting, we can see that, A: Essentially, photography was a kind of technique, so it was hardly to be draw or used by artists B: The painter compose the painting by copying down what he saw through zooming in the lens of camera on the scene C: The painting was now faced with supplanted by the camera which surpassed it in its own standard

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      Which of the followings are not belong to traditional Chinese painting?