Socially competent people are not empathetic by relating with what their interlocutors are saying and feeling.
- Directions: For this part, you may choose the proper answer from the choices. A: _________,"There is no smoke without fire. B: As the saying goes C: As the Chinese saying is D: As what the saying is E: What people say
- Many of us find it very difficult to state our needs. We expect people to know by _____ (心灵感应) what we are feeling.
- What does the author mean by saying “Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.”?
- In low-context cultures, people judge what someone is talking about not only by what he is saying but also by the context in which the message occurs.
- If some people clench teeth or fists to show endurance or anger without saying anything, for what is the nonverbal cue used?