John Milton is the chief representative poet among so many metaphysical poets.
- ( ) is the representative poet of the metaphysical school? A: John Donne B: John Milton C: Robert Burns D: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- The poem “Death Be Not Proud” was written by John Donne, the representative of Metaphysical poets.
- () is regarded as "the poets’ poet". A: Edmund Spenser B: William Shakespeare C: Christopher Marlowe D: John Milton
- At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics.________is the founder of metaphysical poetry. A: BenJohnson B: John Milton C: JohnBunyan D: John Donne
- John Donne and George Herbert are Metaphysical poets.
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John Donne (1572-1631) is considered the preeminent representative of the ________ poets.
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John Donne and George Herbert are Metaphysical poets. A: 正确 B: 错误
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1. The Metaphysical poets were represented by John Donne and Ben Jonson.
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There are three types of poets in the literature of the English Bourgeois Revolution.They are _____poets. A: critical B: Metaphysical C: Puritan D: Cavalier
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___ is the founder of the Metaphysical School of Poetry. A: John Donne B: George Herbert C: John Dryden D: John Milton