• 2021-04-14
    … while it’s more of a PR stunt the keyboards of the futurewill probably contain at least some emojis. (Para. 6)
  • … although what the keyboard Swyft Media recently came out with is just a means to attract public attention, the future keyboards will probably include at least some emojis.


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      2.What is the expert's opinion of emojis?

    • 1

      As used in the text (Para. 6) the word "petty" most probably means______. A: serious B: concerned C: vivid D: minor

    • 2

      Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellect? (para. 6)

    • 3

      Fatal reactions to bee stings among adults __________ than once believed. A: more are probably common B: more common probably are C: are more probably common D: are probably more common

    • 4

      The things my daughter collected as a child carry her childhood memories and they will be there waiting for her. We will also be happy to welcome her back home. A: Para. 9 B: Para. 11 C: Para .17 D: Para .22