electrocardiograph (EKG) ______
- Which of the following means process of recording the heart’s electrical activity ? A: electrocardiogram B: electrocardiography C: electrocardiograph D: electroencephalogram
- 下列哪些项是腹泻病时低钾血症的表现() A: 腱反射亢进 B: 腹胀、肠鸣音减弱 C: 心音低钝 D: EKG示ST段降低,T波平坦 E: EKG示T波高尖
- 下列哪项不是腹泻病时低钾血症的主要表现() A: 心音低钝 B: 腱反射迟钝或消失 C: 腹胀、肠鸣音减弱 D: EKG示T波高尖 E: EKG示ST段降低、T波平坦
- Which is the first choice for the diagnosis of central nervous system infection? A: CT B: MR C: EEG D: CSF E: EKG
- A1型题 下列哪项不是腹泻病时低钾血症的主要表现() A: 心音低钝 B: 腱反射迟钝或消失 C: 腹胀、肠鸣音减弱 D: EKG示T波高尖 E: EKG示ST段降低、T波平坦