• 2021-04-14
    Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary.
    resolve play favorites connect with barrier take a step beyond
    effective avoid acknowledge put oneself in someone else's shoes pay attention to
    1. If you _______________________, you will not complain about it again.
    2. As a public official, you should __________________ your words and behaviors.
    3. To be successful in your professional life you should learn how to ________________ your colleagues.
    4. Talking about others behind their backs is a ______________ to interpersonal relations.
    5.Our government should adopt _____________measures to solve the unemployment problems.
    6. When he is in anger, you should ___________ conflicting with him.
    7. To demonstrate your sincerity you should __________ apologizing. I guess they need compensation.
    8. A fair leader is one who tries to avoid ____________.
    9. Can you help me ____________ this technical problem?
    10. With so much evidence against him he had to _______________ his error.