在中国空域分类方案中,每一类空域的范围是怎样的?(What is the dimension of each class of airspace in China?)
(1)A类空域为高空管制区。在我国境内标准大气压高度6000米(不含)以上的空间,可以划设高空管制区。(Class A airspace corresponds to Upper Control Area. The lower limit of Class A airspace in China is 6000m (exclusive).)
(2)B类空域为中低空管制区。在我国境内标准大气压高度6000米(含)至其下某指定高度的空间,可以划设中低空管制区(Class B airspace corresponds to Mid-Lower Control Area. Class B airspace in China extends from minimum flight level to 6000m (inclusive) vertically. )(3)C类空域为终端(进近)管制区。通常是指在一个或者几个机场附近的航路、航线汇合处划设的、便于进场和离场航空器飞行的管制空域(Class C airspace corresponds to Terminal/Approach Control Area. Class C airspace in China is usually situated between Class A/Class B airspace and Class D airspace)
(4)D类空域为机场管制地带。机场管制地带通常包括起落航线和最后进近定位点之后的航段以及第一个等待高度层(含)以下至地球表面的空间和机场机动区。(Class D airspace corresponds to Aerodrome Control Zone. Class D airspace in China includes: traffic circuit, course within final approach fix, airspace extending from surface of the earth to the first holding level and aerodrome maneuvering area. )
(2)B类空域为中低空管制区。在我国境内标准大气压高度6000米(含)至其下某指定高度的空间,可以划设中低空管制区(Class B airspace corresponds to Mid-Lower Control Area. Class B airspace in China extends from minimum flight level to 6000m (inclusive) vertically. )(3)C类空域为终端(进近)管制区。通常是指在一个或者几个机场附近的航路、航线汇合处划设的、便于进场和离场航空器飞行的管制空域(Class C airspace corresponds to Terminal/Approach Control Area. Class C airspace in China is usually situated between Class A/Class B airspace and Class D airspace)
(4)D类空域为机场管制地带。机场管制地带通常包括起落航线和最后进近定位点之后的航段以及第一个等待高度层(含)以下至地球表面的空间和机场机动区。(Class D airspace corresponds to Aerodrome Control Zone. Class D airspace in China includes: traffic circuit, course within final approach fix, airspace extending from surface of the earth to the first holding level and aerodrome maneuvering area. )
- 在中国空域分类方案中,管制区和管制地带分别对应哪一类空域?(What CTA or CTR does each class of airspace in China correspond to?)
- 中国空域分类方案中包括哪四类空域?(What are the four classes of airspace in the classification scheme of airspace in China?)
- 在ICAO空域分类方案中,哪类空域只允许IFR飞行?(In the classification scheme of airspace recommended by ICAO, which class of airspace only permits IFR flights?)
- 在ICAO空域分类方案中,哪些空域是管制空域?(In the classification scheme of airspace recommended by ICAO, which classes of airspace are controlled airspace?)
- ICAO空域分类方案中包括哪七类空域?(What are the seven classes of airspace in the classification scheme of airspace recommended by ICAO?)
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在我国境内6600米(含)以上空间内的管制空域属于() A: A类空域 B: B类空域 C: C类空域
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我国三种主要的特殊使用空域是什么?哪种空域具有最高限制?(What are the three main SUAs in China? Which SUA has the highest restriction?)
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按照目视飞行规则飞行的航空器不得在______ 内飞行。 A: A类空域 B: B类空域 C: C类空域
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关于我国空域下列叙述正确的是()。 A: 我国空域分为管制空域与非管制空域 B: 我国空域分为A、B、C、D、G五类 C: B类空域的下限可到地面 D: A类空域属于管制区
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