• 2021-04-14
    For whom is A.P. course prepared for?
  • High school students


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      1. He was very rude to the Customs office, _________ of course made things even worse. A: who B: whom C: what D: which

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      2.Why is the University of the People tuition-free? A: Its teachers work on a voluntary basis. B: It is an online course with no teachers. C: It uses materials prepared by its teachers. D: It is funded by the government.

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      I would like to ask you to excuse me ----- having come without a prepared text; I had of course given it some thought, but I did not have the time to write.

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      Of course in the central test case this is what we all care about, for the unfortunate events that ______ virtuous people. </p></p>

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      下列语句中,可为course表创建idx_course索引的语句包括( )</p>