Wikipedia is
- According to Wikipedia, the term “Phrasal Verb” is commonly applied to _____or ____ distinct but related constructions in English.
- According to Wikipedia, the term “Phrasal Verb” is commonly applied to two or three distinct but related __________ in English.
- Wikipedia是众包案例的一种最成功的应用之一。()
- 以下哪个不是网络社交平台 A: Facebook B: Twitter C: MySpace D: Wikipedia
- Which of the following sources is the most reliable? A: New York Times B: Baidu C: Web of Science D: Wikipedia
- 0
Which of the following sources is the most reliable? A: News report. B: Journal article. C: Wikipedia entry. D: Blog.
- 1
以下哪一个不属于网络知识性营销平台() A: 知乎 B: 百度百科 C: 豆瓣网 D: WIKIPEDIA
- 2
According to Wikipedia, the term “Phrasal Verb” is commonly applied to two or three distinct but related __________ in English.( ) A: spoken B: constructions C: get round to D: passed up
- 3
DBpedia、Yago等系统从( )上获取大规模数据并自动构建知识图谱。 A: Cyc B: WordNet C: Wikidata D: Wikipedia
- 4
Which of the following statements is Not about Web2.0? A: The bankruptcy of AOA led to the beginning of web2.0 B: Wikipedia is a representative of web 2.0 C: Web 2.0 is about user-generated content D: A.Web2.0 has nothing to do with web1.0.