A stream ____ through a village into the lake.
A stream ____ through a village into the lake.
- 常见的人工景观水体有人造水景的()。 A: 湖、小溪、瀑布、泳池 B: 湖、小溪、喷泉、泳池 C: 湖、瀑布、泳池、喷泉 D: 湖、小溪、喷泉、瀑布
- The Heathrow Lake is larger than the Gatwick Lake. A: right B: wrong C: Doesn't say
- While building a tunnel through the mountain, ________. A: an underground lake was discovered B: there was an underground lake discovered C: a lake was discovered underground D: the workers discovered an underground lake
- 微山湖是中国北方最大的淡水湖,京杭大运河傍湖而过。其位于枣庄市微山县,是枣庄市的一大名湖。
- 秦淮河是自西向东蜿蜒流入长江。