• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: 2.Thyroid hormone作用的主要机制是
  • 与核受体结合,刺激mRNA生成


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      Which of the following hormones is a neurohormone?() A: antidiuretic hormone B: adrenalin C: thyroid stimulating hormone D: prolactin E: thyroid hormone

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      Which of the following<br/>hormones is associated with acromegaly? () A: growth hormone B: thyroid hormone C: thyroid stimulating hormone D: adrenocorticotropic hormone E: thyrotropin releasing<br/>hormone

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      Which of the following hormones is associated with acromegaly? () A: growth hormone B: thyroid hormone C: thyroid stimulating hormone D: adrenocorticotropic hormone E: thyrotropin releasing hormone<br/>Ⅱ.<br/>X type Choice Question (1 mark each)

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      哇巴因抑制thyroid hormone的产热效应是通过

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      Hormone that causes blood glucose lower is<br/>() A: growth hormone B: insulin C: adrenalin D: glucocorticoid E: thyroid hormone