The lowest pressure occurs over the _________ surface of the wing, and the highest pressure is formed under the wing.
The lowest pressure occurs over the _________ surface of the wing, and the highest pressure is formed under the wing.
- 词汇与结构 We do this to help overcome the ______, as the left wing, the windward wing, will generate more lift than the leeward wing due to the fact that the leeward wing is partially blanked out by the fuselage.
- 词汇与结构 If we did not make this control input, the left wing would ______ before the right wing and we would find ourselves in a precarious position.
- 词汇与结构The amount and pressure of the ________ air is regulated by a computer and outflow valves.
- 词汇与结构 Hydraulic pressure must be ________ in order to use it to perform the desired tasks.
- 词汇与结构Normally, pressurization problems are caused by a malfunctioning of the pressure outflow or the pressure regulating valves _______, which allows the air to escape out of the pressurized cabin.