• 2021-04-14
    Cultivate a positive attitude, because it enables you to enjoy life more.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude


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      You can become a more confident person . A: .if you have a positive solution B: if you don’t have any responsibility C: if you develop a positive attitude toward problems D: ,,

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      Why is it important for scientists to build a good relationship with the media? A: It helps them to effectively popularize new scientific information. B: It enables the public to develop a positive attitude toward science. C: It helps them to establish a more positive public image. D: It enables them to apply their findings to public health.

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      Developing a positive attitude toward problems can make you into a ________ (happy), more confident person who feels much more in control of life.

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      He's trying to ___________ a positive attitude to life. A: cultivate B: plant C: grow D: contact

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      20. He’s trying to ___________ a positive attitude to life. A: cultivate B: cause C: culture D: course