• 2021-04-14
    The children are getting more and more excited when Christmas is ________ near.
  • drawing


    • 0

      ______ he spoke, excited he was. A: The more; the more B: The much; the much C: The more; the much

    • 1

      I tried to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner______ A: the more exited I got B: B. I got excited more C: and more I got excited D: D. and I got more excited

    • 2

      Did you enjoy yourself at the party? A: a more excited B: the most excited C: a more exciting D: the most exciting

    • 3

      They are getting very ______ because the world market is getting more and more competitive. (anxious(ly); eager(ly))

    • 4

      The weather is getting ____________ and ____________. (more hot, humid; hotter, more humid)