• 2022-06-04
    U.S. Americans prefer the _________________ vebal communication style.
    A: direct
    B: indirect
    C: self-enhancement
    D: self-effacement
    E: elaborate
    F: exacting
    G: succinct
  • A,C,F


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      Speakers from high-context culture prefer using an indirect communication style because communication relies a lot on the surrounding text in their culture.

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      The mirror test is used to investigate children’s recognition of ( ). A: Spiritual self B: Subjective self C: Material self D: Objective self

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      中国大学MOOC: Succinct communication style is used by ________, _________ and ________ cultures.

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      Which is “communication that comes to the point and lacks ambiguity” ?( ) A: Formal communication B: Indirect communication C: Low context D: Direct communication

    • 4

      ‌Succinct communication style is used by ________, _________ and ________ cultures A: Native American B: Chinese C: American D: Japanese