• 2022-06-04
    Which three of the following belong to the basic forms of good notes? ( )
    A: Interpretations
    B: Direct quotations
    C: Summaries
    D: Paraphrases
  • B,C,D


    • 0

      Which of the following are features of a good title?( ) A: Clear B: All of the above C: Attractive. D: Direct

    • 1

      Which of the following does NOT belong to the “Big Three”? A: The Times B: The Guardian C: The Daliy Telegraph D: The Sun

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC:"There are three major divisions of Christianity. Which one of the following does not belong to the three major divisions?";

    • 3

      Which one of the following risks belong to basic risks? A: FPA B: War Risk C: Shortage Risk D: TPND

    • 4

      In the following, which statements belong to the good tips for drafting a successful initial letter or email?