• 2022-06-05
    尽管他的爱已经成了回忆,但每当我凝视他的照片时, 我都能充分感受到他深深的爱。
    A: In spite of his love is now a memory, each time I stare on his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.
    B: While his love is now a memory, each time I stare on his photo, I can fully appreciate the deep of his love.
    C: While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.
    D: Despite his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.
  • C


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      In the example “I am a draper mad with love. I love you more than all the flannelette and calico, candlewick, dimity, crash and merino, tussore, cretonne, crepon, muslin, ticking and twill in the whole Cloth Hall of the world. [Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood]”, the rhetorical series of the names of cloth are employed to stress his tremendous amount of abstract love for his lover.

    • 1

      The love and support of his family ___________ him during his time in prison.( ) A: stain B: obtained C: attained D: sustained

    • 2

      If I love you, I am growing as a result of my love. A: If I love you, I am becoming mature as a result of my love. B: If I love you, I’m growing taller as a result of my love. C: As a result of my love, I’m working hard to become successful. D: As a result of my love, I’m becoming more clever than before.

    • 3

      I really love his work. It’s so _______. A: creative B: creation C: creativity D: created

    • 4

      His generous donation_ testifies to______ his love for the people of the flood-stricken areas.