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What is the following statement about continue statement that is correct? A: When a multi-level loop is nested, all levels of the loop can be closed by using a single continue statement. B: The continue statement can be used in loops and switch statements. C: The continue statement closes the loop early to prevent it from becoming a dead loop. D: The continue statement can only be used in three loop statements.
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Translate the following sentence into Chinese."A profit statement is also known as a profit and loss statement, an income statement, an income and expense statement or an operating statement."
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在组合逻辑电路的设计中,下面哪些verilog HDL语句形式是可行的? A: 条件语句:if…;else…; B: 条件语句:if…;else if…;else if…;else…; C: 多路分支语句: case(…)…;…;…;default:…;endcase D: 循环语句结构: for(…; …; …) statement; E: 条件语句:if…;
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Which of the following statements about break statements is incorrect? A: A break statement can appear in an if statement and is used to end the if statement. B: A break statement can appear in a loop statement or a switch statement. C: A break statement can be used to exit a switch statement. D: Multiple break statements can appear in the loop body of a loop statement.
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以下JavaScript语句属于条件选择结构的是:() A: ”if<br/>…else if…else…” B: ”for(var<br/>i=0;in;i++) {statement}” C: ”for…in” D: ”while(i=100){语句块}”